
~   Supplier of extraordinary wood   ~

Ancient Kauri Slab #4071

Regarding the cracks: You can see that it cracked during the drying process. While unfortunate, these cracks when treated properly become very interesting features in a finished top. As these cracks follow organic paths through the wood, it echos the existing grain in the slab.

If we were going to fill this crack, typically we would use epoxy, using a formula that adds an amber-color to the infill. This imitates an amber pocket that have occurred naturally in a living tree.

Below are some of the qualities you can expect from this piece of wood:

This is what MegaCurl looks like
This is what MegaCurl looks like.
Ancient Kauri Whitebate example with a dime on it
Ancient Kauri Whitebate example with a dime on it.
Ancient Kauri Satiny Grain
Ancient Kauri Satiny Grain

Whitebait and light MegaCurl throughout. Active Grain for that super-satiny look from one end to the other, and side to side!

The iridescence in this slab is intense! The color-tone consistent throughout. There is strong fall-away on the two natural edges.

A killer 50,000-year-old piece of wood, and it can be yours today!

We cut-up a sister to this slab to create some guitar billets. In the process we milled these billets, and you can see them lined-up on the slab

Ancient Kauri Slab 4010 with flamed guitar billets
Ancient Kauri Slab 4010 with flamed guitar billets

Here’s a shop video of this beautiful piece.

The natural edges have great texture, and will be inviting to the touch on a finished tabletop. The fall-away of these natural edges is fairly strong on this slab.

This is a great prospect to be made into an extensive series of guitars- it is time to start your new signature series!

Please get in touch with us for pricing, finishing options and shipping.

Thank you.