
~   Supplier of extraordinary wood   ~

Ancient Kauri Table Top ‘Formula One’

This piece of Ancient Kauri has a stunning MegaCurl and luxurious figure under a polished glossy finish!
2″ thick X 24″ X 57″
Custom Base included with this amazing tabletop.

Ancient Kauri Table 'Kahiko' MegaCurl Close-up
Ancient Kauri Table ‘Kahiko’ MegaCurl Close-up

Here is a video of this piece.
Here is another video.
And yet another video.

Formula One racing’s excitement echos in this amazing piece.
An exclusive conversational tabletop like none other.
The sister-piece to this top now resides with a Formula One team traveling weekly to races around the world- Captains of industry and World Champion drivers sit at our table every race-day!
Finished to a high gloss polished finish, the opulence shows in this top.
A custom specifically-designed metal table base is included with the top. As it is a custom base, we wait for the buyer to be involved in the final design before fabrication.
This would also work very well as a sculptural piece for a wall hanging.

Please get in touch with us for pricing, finishing options and shipping.

Thank you.